• 01 Sign up & Register (UAE Residents Only)
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  • 02 Fill in all mandatory fields of the submission form
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  • 03 Upload all necessary attachments
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  • 04 Download & Sign Submission form/ agreement, reupload with Submission form.


Please read all instructions before making a submission.

To submit a proposal to Sandstorm, the following items must be included:


A logline is a compact and detailed description in one or two sentences, at most, of what your script is about. It contains the premise of the story, the characters, their motivations, and the core conflict surrounding the protagonist. Some good examples include:

  • Reservoir Dogs

After a simple jewellery heist goes terribly wrong, the surviving criminals begin to suspect that one of them is a police informant.

  • The Matrix

A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers.

  • Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump, while not intelligent, has accidentally been present at many historic moments, but his true love, Jenny, eludes him.


With the logline completed, and the reader’s interest captured, the synopsis tells the reader more about the characters inhabiting the world and the complex events occurring therein. Synopses are short and succinct and shouldn’t exceed more than 300 words.


Project Review Process:

The Sandstorm team will review your submission and determine its eligibility based on the below criteria. A final decision on your submission status will be emailed to you once the review process is complete.

There are three outcomes to your submission:

  • Approved: This means that your submission has been successfully chosen by us and will be taken on board to develop further.
  • In-Development: Your submission has met some of Sandstorm’s criteria, however it may need further development, and will require you to go through some training and development programs. Once completed, your submission will be reassessed to determine whether it can be given the green light.
  • Rejected: Applicants will be given constructive feedback and can apply again next year.

Eligibility and evaluation criteria:

  • Applicants: Sandstorm accepts submissions from all nationalities residing within the UAE.
  • Unique concept: Your concept needs to be an original idea and not based on any existing fictional work or characters.
  • Well-constructed ideas: Your concept needs to be fleshed out, and should give our team context on the concept background, the characters, and the world they live in.
  • Project already in development: You must have already started working on developing your concept in some form.
  • Public appeal: Your concept needs to appeal to a wide range of comic book readers and should aim to transcend borders.
  • Passionate and committed creator: You need to be ready to fully dedicate your time to complete your project. Comic book development is time consuming and you will need to be ready to work with multiple players and stakeholders and accept constructive feedback.

Disclaimer: Any submissions that include AI-generated content, whether for scriptwriting or artwork, will be automatically disqualified and will not be considered for review

Project Submissions

Have you got a unique story that you would like to share with the world? Are you a committed creator that’s passionate about comics? We raise the bar significantly in terms of quality of content and encourage everyone to be as creative as possible and only put forward their best work. Send us your submissions for a chance to work with some of the best creatives in the world and bring your ideas to life.
